Moons Leftovers

Spillway Strategies

13 Lessons Un-learned

13 years worth, lessons learned in academics & 13 years worth, lessons unlearned in the real worldYear 2005, hot summer day of a rather chirpy street and, “buzz”, this frenzy is interrupted by a text on my oversized Motorola cell phone. It reads something to this effect, “Welcome aboard! You’ve been selected to join the… Continue reading 13 Lessons Un-learned

Spillway Strategies

Maybe, Settle In?

Life finds a way, it learns to survive, to thrive. Even when It, fades away or dims, it’s trying to survive in its own way. I think the very essence of "Life" is to survive. “Settle” on the other hand, emanates a vibe of reaching a state of compromise, or mutual agreement. And, even though… Continue reading Maybe, Settle In?

scraps from life

Mirror Mirror, Let’s take a walk…

Love cannot be forced period|Beauty is beyond definition period|Life is fragile periodBeen over a week and I'm still holding on to “A Star is Born”, like a long lost friend, like a long found love of my life. I guess, It’s been so long since i experienced vulnerability up close and pesonal, since i saw… Continue reading Mirror Mirror, Let’s take a walk…

Beyond That See, scraps from life

Joyously Spun, Aspen!

  What makes "joy" so luscious and elusive? Perhaps, its dependence on theory of relativity . Or maybe, human psychology that may not always be mindful to soak in its feeling, while "joy" is around. Instead, the human brain chooses to anticipate that which is "more" and somewhere beyond the rainbow! Later, more on how this… Continue reading Joyously Spun, Aspen!